Electronic Clinical Outcome Assessments (eCOA)

Unlock high quality insights on assessment driven clinical outcomes

Capture essential patient, caregiver, and clinician data seamlessly with ePROs, eObsROs, and eClinROs to uncover clinically meaningful insights in real-time.

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eCOA by the numbers

average patient response rate
ePROs deployed to date
faster build time than industry standard

Longitudinal ePRO collection

ePROs administered to patients through a single intuitive portal, with an 80%+ average ePRO response rate.

Adaptable platform

A flexible platform for validated instruments or custom surveys for ePROs, eObsROs, eClinROs, and SDoH assessments, based on your precise research question.

Integrated caregiver platform

One platform to simplify eObsRO surveys for caregivers.

Provider support

Secure portal that physicians, nurses, and other site staff can leverage for telehealth visits or eClinRO assessments.

Ensure successful, efficient study execution

Amplify the patient voice

Gather patient experiences and symptoms with ease using our range of platform options.

High quality patient data

Drive your research forward with confidence, as our platform guarantees the collection of accurate, reliable, and recurring patient reported data. Automated version control makes survey revisions and related regulatory submission straightforward.

Accelerate data capture

Jumpstart your research by quickly deploying validated tools from our extensive survey library.